What an unexpected storm we have had in my hometown in KY. Did anyone else get this?! The temperature was 100 degress and the wind went wild. Class one in hurricane weather. It knocked huge trees down all over the place. 1700 people in my little town, including myself lost power. And my line that's connected to my house is ruined so who knows when I will get my power back. The electric company can't even be reached at this point in time! Sheesh! Hopefully it will be back on soon.

Also, I almost cut off all ties with Prince Charming for messing with my emotions and he knows that. We are starting over and I made it clear that I didn't want to talk about weather or not we would date again or not as it was too depressing. I'm glad I'm being honest with myself and with him now. Since this is the first time, I'm giving him one more chance. He is my best friend. That's just the way it is! Well have a good weekend. Be safe and say hello to the Good witch and the munchkins if you bl

As time goes on...lonliness never gets any easier does it? Well I'm making the best of it. That is all we can do when our hearts get broken.

Here's another hurdle. My car, Lola, went into the shop today. It's a brand new car. I had to save for a long time to get this one just for the reason that I'm prone to car troubles and within a short amount of time through no fault of my own, it has to visit the doctor. Oh well. What can you do. When life gives you lemons, at least you don't have to pay for them. Yea. I don't know where I was going with that analogie either. Hehe.

What else is new...I'm still living like a John Lennon song.
♪♫♪♪You may say that I'm a dreamer...But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you will join us. In a  world as one.♫♪♫♫

Speaking of music, I've been doing good with the musical rehearsals and learning a lot about acting. It's actually pretty interesting. Due to a very talented friend of mine I have a big lead on a new agent and if everything pans out, I will finally book some commercials. I'm waiting until my friend that got me into this one gets his passport so that he can book his first job to see how things pan out for him before I commit to it though. I'm very weary of scam artists. You would be surprised how many times I have "almost" made it but had to quit because the agencies weren't paying me for the work I booked or my mileage. Ever dealt with that. It's annoying.

However, I have had some amazing experiences like singing at Carnegie Hall and working with a couple of famous people like Abbie Cobb from Starstruck and most recently, Suburbia and Roberto Sanchez from NCIS....Oh and Whitney from America's Next Top Model. Of course these were all one day training sessions/ performances and I never got paid jobs. One of these days though, I may have a big break. I'd rather be poor and do what I love than be rich and void of happiness. Well. There's my update. By the way. I just wanted to let you know....Happy hump day. <Insert a pelvic thrust and a hopeful "Woohoo!">

So over the past weekend I have learned a valuable lesson. As a great songwriter once phrased it, "You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you might just find, you get what you need." I know that's corny but screw it. Sometimes corny songs really get the point across!

I have started going to church again for the first time in years and I'm having so many epiphanies. For instance,  I have been looking for security in having the love of...well lets just call him Prince Charming in my life. (You know, the romance I was trying to rekindle). I'm learning that I may never ever get him back which is absolutely depressing. He is the only one I have ever planned on marrying. He's the only one I still want to marry and I am struggling with the decision of weather to let him go or not. He says he loves me, but I really need a chance to call the shots for once. It's hard when someone needs your support but can't date you because they are in such a difficult time in their life. I don't know if I will ever get him back. But I do know one thing...I love him to pieces. Wish me luck because not only do I have to look out for him as my best friend, but as a love. And I also have to look out for myself. I don't want to lose him and what will he do if I'm not there for him?! What will I do. You see we didn't break up because we fell out of love but he left me for a ministry. I can't be selfish about this. But I hate it.
I hope this God thing works out for me. If so...Dear God, please help Prince Charming and I with our relationship! Why is this so complicated?!
Maybe if I cut off my ties with him he will get the picture to stop getting my hopes up and making irrational decisions. Maybe he will realize what he's done and he will come back later and not do it again. We've been together for 6 years and been friends for much longer! However maybe he will think he's hurt me too bad and never come back to me...I don't want to screw this up.  I love him so much it hurts. What should I do?!

Ps. I do appologize for not being my normal happy peppy self today.
Oh yes. It is that blessed day of fri. Do not fret. For when that clock strikes 6pm, the week will finally be over. Do your victory dance because you only get to experience this 48 times a year. If only we could live every day like it's Friday! Ahhh...In a perfect world there would be dancing unicorns and chocolate that you could eat constantly and not get fat or sick as well.......I guess there's always retirement.

Can you tell that I am excited yet. This weekend I have some really fun plans.

First, I plan on mod podging a new kitchen table that was given to me. I had to wait till today to get supplies because I had so many bills and today is payday. Don't you love payday?  

First, I'm going to paint it black, decopage the surface of it, and cushion the seats. I may or may not quilt the entire thing...Chairs and all. Another Idea I have had is to get some old 50's or 60's dining adds and use decopage those onto the surface. I'm just going to have to do some shopping around and see what inspires me.

Also, since I do not have my own washer and dryer, I plan on going somewhere to do some laundry as febreese can only work so long.

I have practice for a musical that I am in...Camp Rock. If you haven't heard of it, it is a Disney show about some kids that save their camp with the love that they have for music. While I'm 24 I don't look my age so luckily I get to be in it! It's going to be a really good show.

And I will have to relax at some point in time. So plan on soaking up the sun with some friends and family.

And last...I'm trying to rekindle a romance <3. He's really special to me. Wish me luck!

Now. The time has come for you to be you and to be free. Have yourselves a good weekend and be safe!

Love and light.

          This one goes out to the working class.
A ford focus driver's got A.D.D.

And Speaking of youtube videos, I'm so excited! I just got signed on as a youtube partner! Come check it out! And if you have any suggestions of things I can do to get views, please let me know. I'm willing to make a complete fool of myself for your entertainment.
Wow 68 views already! I'm so excited!

Make sure you become a member. You can participate in the forums, the blogs, the advice columns,

games...And at the minimum maybe I can amuse you while your sitting at your office desk bored.
I will be updating this site frequently. I have a lot up my sleeve...That's why I look so buff (flexes muscles).

I think I'll start out with some hipster jokes. If you know me, you'll know that for some reason, I love hipster jokes!
1) How many hipsters did it take to screw in a lightbulb? Answer: Dude it was cooler before you changed it.
2) How much does a hipster weigh? Answer: An instagram.
3) Have you heard of the dead? Answer: Probably not. It's too underground for you.
4) How do you catch a hipster? Answer: leave a bear trap with a pack of spirits, some large glasses,
and a camera in the middle.
5) Have you seen my dog's bone? Answer: Probably not. It's too underground for you as well.
6) How many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Answer: You don't know.
7) How did the hipster burn his tongue? Answer: He ate his spaghetti before it was cool.

By the way, in no way am I making fun of the Dayglow life in Color paint party (as seen in the picture above.
I went and had a terrific time! As a matter of fact, I'll have to upload the video I took soon! Well I plan on uploading more later on. Like peace out dudes!