Ok. I'm going to try one more time on this "go 24 hours without complaining" fiasco! The third time is a charm right?! I'm wondering if, maybe, what I did wrong the last two times I tried this was that I didn't get my complaints out of the way early enough before I started? So here you go (I'll warn you a rant is a brewin): I fell asleep last night without drying my hair so now I look like the spawn of Rick James and Sandra Bullock, peppy morning people annoy me (enough said), Mcdonalds doesn't serve breakfast at lunch (what's up with that), I want more money because there's too much month at the end of it, and my house does not look like Kansas anymore! My old absessed tooth is quite agitating. And I am amazed by how I failed before! Day one, deluded teenagers were being snotty towards me. And day two, I hit the wrong note on the guitar and let out a blood hurling F bomb! Neither of those things were important enough for me to complain about but stuff happens! I know I can do this. Now that all of my complaints have been filed, let the 24 hour manifesto begin! Ahh I feel better! Hehe!
Yesterday I attempted to go 24 straight hours without complaining.  Here's my story:

I was faced with several road bumps where I could have really bursted into extreme profanities. The good news is that I kept my cool. I made it quite far into the day if I do say so myself. I made it 12 hours without complaining!  Not quite the 24 hours I was going for. But after all fasting is a practice that takes practice right? And i know, this sounds easy. Keep your trap shut. But until you try it and you realize how much life throws at you.  I did have a day that tested me to say the least?! That's not a complaint right? I'm going to say no. Why? Because I can and I think it's just a fact. Anyways, I'm making a go for it once again so wish me luck!

So far today, I have made it a total of 6 hours.  I would let you know the juice on  how I failed yesterday and what events led up to the big event where I finally cracked and complained but since I can not complain yet, I will spare you the details! Looks like a sequel is in store for the future of this blog's topic! Or maybe it will be a finale. I'm not quite sure yet. Lets just see how long I make it!

So far I'm really enjoying the serenity it is creating in my life. I'm actually considering keeping this up for a while. it has taught me to be silent to train my mind to endure stress....Sorry to keep you in suspense friends but I must bid you fairwell! Have a good day fellow weeblians.
Ok! So here's my challenge: I'm going to try and go the entire day without complaining (despite the peppy morning people I've encountered, the stranger who called my phone at three am this morning looking for advice, and my court date ahead)! If I can do it, so can you!

Life is a perpetual flow of energy that has to have negativity to create positivity and has to have positivity to create negativity etc...kind of like an atom. So what I'm getting at is why do we jabber on and on as if it will make a difference to project these negative (often irrational) thoughts that we have out into the world around us? Actions speak louder than words. That being said, today is my day. Your's too! This is a short post but as I said actions speak louder than words. So get out there and do something! You don't have to go visit the homeless shelter or the senior home to make a difference (though those are nice things to do)! All you have to do is watch what you project. Did you know that your thoughts and actions determine the fate of your life as well as the collective fait of the world around you? If you don't believe me, go and talk to a cancer patient who has survived and ask them what their outlook on life was as they were struggling. I know it can be hard sometimes when it just seems as if nothing is going right. We all go through this and lets just face it, some seem to go through this more than others. But I really think that our outlook is in direct relation to what we project. It's all a big manifestation of the energy we absorb and create. Don't believe me?
Lets try this: Every time you have a negative thought, reverse the meaning in your head. For instance, if you think, "I'm having a terrible hair day" or "My boyfriend/girlfried doesn't really like me" reshape the words into "My hair looks great!" or "My boyfriend/girlfriend loves me to death!" As crazy as this sounds, hear me out. Don't worry if it's true or not because self doubt is usually irrational anyways and self confidence is one of the most powerful assets a person can have. There is nothing wrong with being confident either.

Do you think that Jesus, or Ghandi, or Dr. Seuss (yes I said Dr. Seuss! lol) hated theirselves? I think not. Friends, by thinking positive thoughts, you will make the thoughts a positive reality!!! It's that simple! Whoever is reading this, I want you to know that you are absolutely stunningly perfect.

Thank you for reading this post and have a blessed day!

For the first time in my life, I freaking hate this holiday!
I wish cupid would stick that stupid arrow up his cute little butt. And just because I called him cute, don't think I'm taking it easy on the little turd face!

Not only is this the anniversary of my past failed relationship that lasted 6 years but it's  a reminder that I dedicated a holiday to the boy and it didn't pan out! Boy be lucky because you got your own holiday!

It's also a reminder of my current relationship and where it stands. It stands as what it is which is all I can say! We were having kindof a rocky relationship...too many roadbumps making a relationship hard on us, So per my stupid idea, we decided to be friends to get to know each other on a better level. I guess this is a good idea. I should stick to my guns because if we do work out, we will be more sound as a couple. But it's getting hard since I see him everyday. He's a really good guy!

Plus he doesn't believe in valentines day so even if I do end up with him, I'll never get what I want on this day! Oh well it's just something I'd have to get used to.

I'm happy for all of you unbearingly adorable couples who get to celebrate this day with someone. I'm glad you get to go manic over what you're going to buy each other or how long of a line your going to have to wait in at your local booshy freakin low quality restuarant. But for others, without dates, this holiday is crushing! We get to sit at home and wish someone was out spoiling us and wonder why we don't deserve such a luxury! And that being said, it's a reminder that I am a needy little negative Nancy right now and I should just stop talking! For all of you going out on Valentines day, please be safe and realize how lucky you are. Although I am lucky to be breathing. I'm lucky to have friends, family, and maybe even a relationship with potential I'm lucky to have food, water, warm clothing, housing...... Some don't even have any of that and yet somehow they are happy! What a consumerism driven holiday. I want to celebrate the real holiday which I'm sure none of you will even acknowledge. Let's take a second to recognize February the 18'th! That's the day this Valentines crap will have all finally boiled over. That day I will celebrate!

Love you!