Ok. I'm going to try one more time on this "go 24 hours without complaining" fiasco! The third time is a charm right?! I'm wondering if, maybe, what I did wrong the last two times I tried this was that I didn't get my complaints out of the way early enough before I started? So here you go (I'll warn you a rant is a brewin): I fell asleep last night without drying my hair so now I look like the spawn of Rick James and Sandra Bullock, peppy morning people annoy me (enough said), Mcdonalds doesn't serve breakfast at lunch (what's up with that), I want more money because there's too much month at the end of it, and my house does not look like Kansas anymore! My old absessed tooth is quite agitating. And I am amazed by how I failed before! Day one, deluded teenagers were being snotty towards me. And day two, I hit the wrong note on the guitar and let out a blood hurling F bomb! Neither of those things were important enough for me to complain about but stuff happens! I know I can do this. Now that all of my complaints have been filed, let the 24 hour manifesto begin! Ahh I feel better! Hehe!

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