
Why is it soooo hard to let go of the past? Nothing positive ever occurs from acting in regression. Yet we still feel compelled to dwell on the good things we once had that we no longer have anymore...even to the point where the good things we have in the now seem obslete! 
The site is actually finally in full swing! I can't believe how many views I have already gotten since this is a pretty new site. But I just wanted to let you know it's been a lot of fun and I appreciate your interest. Who knows where the site will go.That being said. This time in my blog, I'm going to do something a little bit different. This time, I turn to you guys. I need some help for an upcomming musical performance. Can you give me advice?!? I've got all the songs, acting, and dances down on point but for some reason my short term memory is kicking my butt on memorizing the order and the blocking for each scene change! This is primarily because I go in to rehearsals after 40 hour work shifts everyday when my brain is fried. I'm in my 20's but this is my first big musical and it's so fast paced. . I want to impress the directors and such  so I can get in good with the theater company but everytime I forget what scene is next and have to ask a castmember or show up in the wrong spot, it's just embarassing! I couldn't afford the script soo I have to go on memory unlike a lot of the cast....They are talking to me about bigger roles and it's getting close to show time for this one and I don't want to ruin it. Getting on to my question finally...

Is there a trick to memorization on the stage? What should I do?! Thanks.

To Answer: just leave a comment or go to the forums tab and send me a contact. Have a great day!

1) Buy a movie and have a movie night.
2) Take your dog to the dog park.
3) Go bowling
4) Hit up a night club.
5) Go around town and shoot quirky videos or photos
6) Call up a friend who you haven't spoken to in a long time.
7) Buy something new that will take up a lot of your time and thus be worth the money. That way you will have less bored moments.
8) Write a song
9) Try a new craft.
10) Refurbish something in your house or yard
11) Go volunteer somewhere
12) Cook!
13) Write a blog!
14) Go on a dollar store shopping spree. It's amazing the cool things you will find.
15) Visit a flea market or thrift store.
16) Go to an amusement park.
17) Road Trip.
18) Go to a concert.
19) Research your community. There may be a lot of interesting facts you don't know about your hometown.
20) Study ancestry.

I hope this helps! Enjoy another Humptasticular Humpday and thanks for reading my blogs.
I have some sad news. Prince Charming and I cut off all ties. He's been gone for so long and I've just been waiting and waiting....I don't think I've mentioned this before, but he's in a ministry/sobriety program and he has wanted to come home several times because he thinks about me. And I have just been so lonely and nervous that he won't come back. It was just too much to bear even just trying to talk to each other on a friendship level to the point where it was like we were holding each other back from something. I am so attached to him it's insane! I really think the world of him. Life is so uncertain. But all I know is that I love him so much that I had to say goodbye. It was the right thing to do.

I mean now I'm free...I don't have to wait! But no one can ever compare and that sucks. I pray that one day I will randomly bump into him somewhere and by fate we will know that we can be together again. Man is this a lonely road! Addiction is no joke. This is what it did. It took my soulmate from me. And I will never waver in that belief. He is my only soulmate. I wish him the best in the world and no matter how he talked to me in his confusion with life lately, he is such a great person. If only everyone knew him like I do. . I guess that's why I have to let him go though. So that he will show love to other people. This is a guy that could truly change the world. I guess I just get jelous that I can't be there with him and see him progress while his brothers in the ministry and those he misisters to will. It sounds so messed up to say that, but I really enjoyed having him in my life! There is no one in the world like him. Just simply the way he thinks is incredible. I've never met anyone who is so deep yet still so vulnerable and sweet. And he's adorable too! But I have to get over him. I have to or I'm going to be lonely forever. And what's worse...I can't even find a single sole who has been through this to talk to.

Last night I went out and got absolutely wasted. Not the best decision, I know, but I was kindof a wreck and I didn't really think it through. I ended up at the bar running around with a motorcycle helmet on playing guitar and telling really corny jokes. Yea it's fun, but I can't go back to that scene. I have to get a grip. This is a good thing. We are off drugs, making livings, doing great things and making real friends for once. I just......It's hard. That's all. I really miss him.
Hmm....What to post about...

I died my hair yesterday. And I'm talking Haley Williams red. It's hot! I also cut it into like this sort of bob thing but with a little more layers so that it will still be tossley and longer than the average bob. That is, longer in the front and shorter in the back I'm not going for the octomom look alike award.. I am a little too girly for that. 

Now...Onto a new subject if I may.

Have you ever been in a relationship for a long time and then suddenly when you break up the guys are stampeding to you like they haven't eaten in month and you are a big juicy rhino? It's a weird feeling.

That being said, I've been getting hit on a lot lately. I sounds ungreatful/conceited to complain about such a thing, so don't take me the wrong way. It's just...you see, I'm not over Prince Charming yet, so it's a little bit difficult! And lots of these guys...Can't I do better?! Then again I am comparing all of them to the guy I really love. I don't know if I will ever move on. However lonliness sucks too. I'm going through some changes.

I appreciate the nads to approach me, but don't message a girl every 5 minutes. It's creepy! Girls do not like this. Really? Are you that impatient?! Also, when she does get annoyed and finally answer your call or message, don't go on and on about what you did to make all of your exes hate you or how lonely you are. It's not going to make her feel sorry for you. What it will do is put up a big red flag for her to mind her distance and stay away. Sheesh! Next time just show up with a pick axe! Also, stop acting depressed. No one wants to be used as a temporary replacement for the happiness that is presently void in your life. It's not that we don't feel sorry for you or are hearless, it's that I wouldn't do this to someone, so you shouldn't either. It's like..."How selfish!" Hmm..And when see a girl you think is hot tell her she's pretty, but unless she is dressed like a slutbag and completely asking for it, realize that a girls eyes are not located on her tits. Those are nipples! Hehe!

Well have a good day. Talk to you soon. 
Well yesterday was an odd day! I went to work as usual then my music directer came over and we played some music. We talked about upcomming shows that I could audition for and he gave me a capo for my guitar wich was really exciting. I've never had one before. Well he left so I went over to a friends and we jammed our faces off there too. ..Next thing you know we were prank calling people and rap battling them telling them that we were  from the radio station and they would win $100 if they could beat me as a contestant in a rap battle! I'd rip them to shreds then we'd say "This battle was brought to you fo free!" You would be surprised how many people fell for it and tried to rap! It was epic. I was also on some new iphone/android app (Rap Battle Stars) battling people from all over the place. That's what started it! My friends were my background crew. lol. I took em all down. Then at around 4am, me and a friend decided to go to the grociery store and buy pizza to cook. This didn't work out. We only made it a block when my horn started malfunctioning. It went off like I was laying on it to terrorize the neighborhood and it would not go off! I had people comming out of their houses shaking their fists in the air and yelling at me! I finally thought I fixed the horn then went to bed. A little later, after i got all snuggled in, it went off again. I ended up unplugging a couple of fuses! I didn't know what else to do! I panicked! Then I ended up packed in a hot room like a hot sardine. I didn't sleep at all but it was a fun night. I can't wait to nap! 
I read all of this last night! lol.
Does anyone remember the Animorphs series?! I loved those books. The way they kept you in suspense and sparked your curiousity with clever little flip pictures in the right and corner and alien lingo...Well for some reason lately, I have been totally into them again. I have to confess, as embarrasing as this is for a 24 year old grown freaking girl, i've been reading animorphs. Idon't know what has gotten into me that I'm wanting to read kids books, but these were awesome. Agree? Haha.

I was getting kindof worried that I had lost it for reading these books again so I turned to Yahoo answers for some advice. And before you say I don't have a life, you are right. I work in an office. I got some really good advice on some good reads and apparently I am not alone.

My Yahoo Answers Question:

Is it bad that I'm 24 and still like to read Animorphs?

I don't know why but I find them entertaining. Is there a book similar to this for adults? Am I alone on this? I always wonder if it makes me immature.It's kind of embarrasing! But hey, at least I'm reading..Hmmm...
Anonymous answer 1:
no it just means you're connected to your inner kid which is a GOOD thing :)
Anonymous answer 2:
It's fine if you *like* the books, but still reading them? Yeah, that's kind of embarassing if you have not evolved from that.
Anonymous answer 3:
Try branching out. There's a lot out there. Frank Herbert was a genius at writing concise, profound scifi w/o getting muddled or too intellectual. Octavia Butler may be more along your lines since she blurs dystopian, scifi, and fantasy into awesome works (Try "Fledgling" or "Lilith's Brood"). "The Left Hand of Darkness" may appeal to you too.
Starship Troopers (book, not the corny movies)
Roadside Picnic (Russian written, well translated)
Neuromancer (definitely "dude" scifi)
Anything by Phillip K. D!ck (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, A Scanner Darkly, Dr. Bloodmoney, Total Recall, Paycheck, etc.)
Regarding anything similar to Animorphs: The 2nd and 3rd books of Lilith's Brood deal with human/alien hybrids who can effectively change their genetics to shapeshift...to the benefit of both races.
Also, in the Dune series, the "Face Dancers" are a sinister force employed by one of the major forces.
Anonymous Answer 4:
I'm thirty-nine and have within the last several years re-read all of my favorites of long ago by Judy Blume and Beverly Cleary. Not to mention I love a series of teen fiction about "The Makeover Club."
And for the information of whoever felt the need to thumb me down, if you must know, I also read so called "adult" material. My reading list includes classic literature, biographies, and music related books, music theory, philosophy and crime dramas, along with my old standbys, Stephen King and Dean Koontz. As for Whitty, all reading equals brain power.
Anonymous Answer 5:
no!!! not at all. I just came across all of mine and i am getting ready to enter college!
Anonymous Answer 6:
Are you kidding? I'm fifty something, and I still watch Spiderman. Nothing like an entertaining show, right?
Anonymous Answer 7:
NO, your not alone, I'm almost 30 and I have to admit I still read my old books from when i was a kid, But i also have four kids and can get away with wearing a blanket capes or camping behind the couch with a flashlight read more scary stories to tell in the dark and different random stuff...lol but I can't really help you out with the adult versions, i think it's hit and miss on those things..if you think about it half the planet went insane over a teen fiction book series...lol the only difference is yours has plot...lol

You may be wondering why I posted this. I got some really good feedback on some new books to read! I'm not a big reader but occasionally I like to delve into it. I'm going to have to make a trip to the bookstore soon! I just thought I'd share all the books I found out about today. Have you read any of these?

1)Even when you can hit the note, always think up. Emagine a line from your foreheadish area up to the sky that the sound is travelling up. This sounds crazy but it keeps the notes from going flat and mentally makes it easier to sing the notes. Always. Even when you are singing low notes. Emagine a line slightly higher than the actual note. I hate to hear someone sing a song really good and then out of no where they sing a note and it's out of key!

2)Bending your knees is always good when singing so that your knees don't lock up and cause you to pass out. It just kindof gives you leverage and keeps you from straining so much. As far as improving your range...I could argue that standing on your toes would do the same thing. See what I'm saying? It doesn't matter..Whatever helps you to think up.

3)Also drink plenty of water so that your vocal chords are strong...honey helps as well to coat your throat and make it healthy. And go over that part over and over again but warm up first so you don't lose your voice! Practice makes perfect.

4)Make sure you open up your throat when you sing and support it with your diaphragm. This is the most important. You may want to start doing crunches or cardio. Do you want your high notes to be weak or belt them with confidence?

4)One more thing. Get to a piano and practice going up the scales a little at a time from C to shining C until each scale is strong. When one is strong, move onto the next. Before the singing of scales, buzzing your lips( sort of like a motorboat helps to warm up the facial muscles too sing stronger too. )

I know this is a lot of info, but singing good is more complicated than people think and doing all of these things will seriously increase your range. some of these things may seem tedious or pointless but they are absolutely necessary if you want to be a serious singer. They make a world of difference.

Good luck!!!!
A Recipe I tried at home and absolutely fell in love with. As a matter of fact, a meat eating friend of mine actually tried one and said it was better than the real thing!

As they explained it on their site, it is a "Quick Easy Tofu Burger Recipe Kid Friendly Tofu Veggie Burgers, Great Vegan Grill Recipe Quick, easy veggie burger recipe, sure way to get your kids or anyone to eat tofu. Our tofu burger recipe holds together well, is an ideal 4th of July recipe, delicious any time."

I'm going to have to agree. None the less, I thought this would be a great idea for the comming fourth of July picnics, weather permitting. Enjoy!

Use leftover tofu veggie burger mix to make sloppy joes, or scambled tofu. Cold veggie burgers make great sandwiches.

Total Prep And Cook Time: 30 Minutes

8 Servings: 8 large (3 inch) tofu burgers

Nutrition Data Per Serving, 81g: 128 cal, 17g carb, 4g fat, 153mg sodium, 2g fiber, 8g protein, low Saturated Fat & Cholesterol, good source of Magnesium, Phosphorus and Selenium, Vit K and Manganese. Estimated glycemic load 10

  • 1 lb extra firm tofu
  • 1/4 c each: whole wheat flour, fine corn meal & quick oats
  • 1/2 c parsley tops or fresh basil leaves, washed & dried
  • 1 tsp each paprika, coriander, cumin
  • 1/2 tsp dried basil or thyme
  • 1/4 tsp ginger
  • pinch cayenne
  • 1/2 tsp salt and-or 1 Tbsp liquid aminos or soy sauce
  • Optional: asefetida (hing) or garlic
  1. Heat a non-stick frying pan on medium with olive oil, or your favorite cooking oil
  2. Add a pinch of asefetida (hing) or a crushed garlic clove to the oil for extra flavor
  3. Cut tofu into 1 inch chunks, and add to food processor
  4. If you don't have one, mash by hand or with a potato masher, and finely chop the parsley or basil first
  5. Throw in everything else and mix well by hand, or on low in the food processor just until it all clumps up
  6. Form into eight 3 - 4 inch patties
  7. Fry in small amount of oil, on medium heat, 5-7 minutes on each side, or until golden brown
Recipe can be found on: http://www.savvyvegetarian.com/vegetarian-recipes/tofu-burgers.php. Enjoy it!