Yesterday I attempted to go 24 straight hours without complaining.  Here's my story:

I was faced with several road bumps where I could have really bursted into extreme profanities. The good news is that I kept my cool. I made it quite far into the day if I do say so myself. I made it 12 hours without complaining!  Not quite the 24 hours I was going for. But after all fasting is a practice that takes practice right? And i know, this sounds easy. Keep your trap shut. But until you try it and you realize how much life throws at you.  I did have a day that tested me to say the least?! That's not a complaint right? I'm going to say no. Why? Because I can and I think it's just a fact. Anyways, I'm making a go for it once again so wish me luck!

So far today, I have made it a total of 6 hours.  I would let you know the juice on  how I failed yesterday and what events led up to the big event where I finally cracked and complained but since I can not complain yet, I will spare you the details! Looks like a sequel is in store for the future of this blog's topic! Or maybe it will be a finale. I'm not quite sure yet. Lets just see how long I make it!

So far I'm really enjoying the serenity it is creating in my life. I'm actually considering keeping this up for a while. it has taught me to be silent to train my mind to endure stress....Sorry to keep you in suspense friends but I must bid you fairwell! Have a good day fellow weeblians.

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