ZUVUYA is the Mayan term for the big memory circuit... the memory hotline. It works individually and collectively. Most importantly, it connects equally to the future as well as the past. Why? Because the Zuvuya is the interdimensional thread. And we are all interdimensional.

The Zuvuya is the wave, and to surf this wave is to be at the dynamic crest that interfaces our 3rd-dimensional physical reality with the reality of the 4th-dimension -- the dimension of our dream bodies, energy bodies, or light bodies.

The Zuvuya is the circuit of radial, fourth-dimensional time that provides the wave you can ride from wherever you are to whatever point in the fourth-dimensional matrix of galactic time your destiny may draw you. It is a discipline to ride the Zuvuya, but so is surfing. If you do it right, you'll be able to surf "the big One," the one that is coming in right now!

I've never heard the mayan term. It's good to learn about some of the roots of the collective conscious in history. I'm surprised that it's dated so far back. Also the fact that the mayans of all people had a term for it is very interesting with the comming said change whatever it may be. I do believe I'm going to be on a new kick now.

A friend of mine was just asking if I believed the end of the world seemed so unfathomable given the devastating shooting at the school in CT. My take on it is that what will be will be and it will be the right thing to happen no matter what as humans never really have all the answers. I don't like to dwell on it. But rather to just appreciate our lives as they have been good and bad and do our best with it while we still have a chance to appreciate it. That way if the end of the world comes, we won't be too upset because we will know that we lived a good life. I'll be a happy camper either way. Regardless of if it's a legitimate end or the end of a conciousness. I wonder if zuvaya has

Well what do you think?! Know anything about zuvuya? I'd love to hear!

Have a good day readers.

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