Have you ever seen that movie with Zoey Deschanel where she is freaking out about this bird that is outside of her window and it won't quit chirping and it just chirps and chirps and chirps! And she can't eat! And she can't sleep! And she's nearly suicidal over this flippin bird that never leaves her alone! And she tries to take care of the problem and it just won't stop squawking and screaming! You get the picture.

Well that's how I feel about my computer. It just has a mind of it's own. If I didn't work on it, and if it were my computer, I'd probably throw it out the window. I've had fantasies about doing just that. Does anyone else experience that?

Bye the way, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. Mainly this is because it has been very busy at work and my computer never works with me. But also because of my music career. It's starting to pick up. I'm still broke as a pinto (you know that car from the 80's that just occasionally would blow up it was so cheap) but people are sharing my music and helping promote me and for that I am forever grateful. I love my friends. They make my world go around some times. Well loves I think I better get back to the Grind before I leave for the big Allgood music festival this weekend! Stay safe and have a great rest of the week!


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